Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Chicken Update

Well, the chickens are still with me. Abendessen has not run away but is still untied. I'm afraid that if I chase her, she will get scared and disappear.
Since she is still around, no harm leaving her untied. On Saturday, I must go to a farm shop and buy something called Tetra-something-something.
It kills diseases in chickens and Fruhstuck is kind of looking a bit sad. I'll get it for both of them but I don't know if Fruhstuck is getting sick
or is just jealous that her sister is running free and she still has a bit of rope attached to her leg.
I'm keeping her tied up because I think if Fruhstuck is kept in the yard, Abendessen won't go off anywhere on her own.

There is not too much information on the Internet about what they eat and what is on the Internet, is not in Tanzania. I bought them rice but had the feeling I heard somewhere that it could make them explode but Elaine, being all wise said, no, it won't. I also bought them, what I think is flour. Tende said they eat that. Anyway, all the rice is gone from the ground.

I was later talking to my good friend Nigel Alley who lived on a farm as a young nipper and chickens used to chase him for his biscuits. And he informed me that I should soak or cook the rice in water as it expands and if it expands in their stomach, it can kill them.

So anyway, the chickens are doing fine. They have provided competition for all the small lizards in the yard in eating all the insects. I wonder do they eat small lizards????

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