Thursday, August 23, 2007

Squishy Face - The Irritant Continues

I mentioned in a previous post about a man I nicknamed Squishy Face as he is one of the ugliest men I have ever seen and really annoying too, so the harsh name is justified. Once every few days he sees me and will shout something which is getting really annoying. But last night, he raised another level on the annoyance scale.
I was buying phone credit and a bottle of Pepsi, as I usually do, and he came up to me and asked me to buy him a soda. I said no and walked away. I sat down nearby, where I always sit down after buying credit and a drink. He followed. He then asked for 500tsh, I said "no". He then negotiated, "Can I have just some of your soda?"
I think a bit of sick came up into my mouth when I thought about sharing a drink with him. I told him "No, seriously, go away from me".

And this is where he got weird for reasons unknown to me. He said, "OK, you've got big balls." While walking away he shouted back in a really weird tone, "See you later big balls." I have no idea what he meant. While I was still sitting down, looking through my phone or whatever, I hear him standing at a nearby shop that 2 women work in. He shouts over to me, "Baba, kaka !" (which means, "Father, Brother." Strange !!!!) "These people are calling you a woman." I looked over to make sure he was talking to me (He was shouting in English but just to be sure) and yes, he was looking over at me with his ugly squishy smile. He really is ugly. The only reason I would ever give him money is if I can take a picture of him so I can turn everybody off their food for a week.

He hovered around the area until I left. Where I sit is in a side street where not many people are so I felt I should hurry out in case he tried something. Also in my mind was that I had my wallet in my pocket because we had just gone out to dinner.
After I finished my Pepsi, I walked over to a juice shop and watched the 1st half of ENG-ER-LAND vs the Bosh in the new Wembley !!! The bosh were up 2-1 at half time and it finished that way, yaay !!

If the man in this picture had no hair, no beard, alot more simple looking, was black and about 40 years younger, he would be the image of Squishy Face.


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