Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My First Larium Dream

In my 8th week in Tanzania I finally got my first lariam dream. One of the side effects of lariam (a weekly pill taken to prevent getting malaria from mosquito bites) is really weird dreams. Usually, my stomach feels sick and mosquitoes tend to bite me more for a few days after I take it.

Last night (as I write this, it's Wednesday 29th August) we went out and ate at BBQ Village, now my favourite restaurant in Dar. Their spicy chips are fantastic, the shrimps and deep fried prawns are unbelievable (and I don't even like seafood) and even the chicken is top notch. Only downside is, is that the food is hotter on the way out than in. Anyway, I also had a few beers with that so maybe that helped with the weird dream. When we got home, I remembered I forgot to take my lariam on Monday so I took it before going to bed.

My dream was not the weirdest dream I've ever had but it was my first ever dream where somebody died horribly. I can't remember much, but I remember I was down in a dungeon with a guy with a beard. He was looking for something. I've no idea what. There was a window in the middle of the room but there were no walls either side, so it was basically just a window frame with glass. I looked through it and there was a huge rhino on the other side. I jumped and started to run. This seemed to startle the rhino who started running around the window. I was shouting at the bearded man to run for a door that was behind him. I ran through the door which sadly was only a lit up closet with cleaning equipment. The door didn't have a handle but only had a small thing to hold on to, to keep it closed. When I heard the bearded man coming for the door, I let it open. He came in, slammed the door but it just bounced open again. A few seconds later, the rhino came bursting through and kept ramming the man against the wall crushing him, while I stood at the side wondering if the rhino would kill me next.

Then I woke up to the sound of Muslim prayer at 5.30am. That is also strange as I usually sleep through them but I was just glad that Allah saved me from a rhino trying to kill me in a janitor's closet in an empty dungeon.


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Hello. And Bye.

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